The European Commission has set a strategy on Connectivity for a European Gigabit Society, adopted in September 2016, with a vision of Europe where availability and take-up of very high capacity networks enables the widespread use of products, services and applications in the Digital Single Market.
We have been a strong promoter of the development of high-capacity Telecom Infrastructures (FTTH, 5G) to close the geographical digital divide and unleash innovations in equipment, service and applications.
Since 2016, we have participated to 2 major initiatives of the EU Commission:
Broadband Competence Offices (BCOs)
In 2016, we have contributed to set-up a network of Broadband Competence Offices (initiative from DG Connect/Regio/Agri), that supports Member States to reach the EU Digital Agenda objectives (with a focus on the Digital Single Market and Gigabit Society).
We have trained in 2017 BCO representatives on Blended Finance (grant+equity+debt).
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2)
In 2019, we have been in charge of the financial part of the study “Supporting the implementation of CEF2 Digital” for DG Connect – B5, including recommendations on the most efficient use of the potential budget and on the structuring of the different potential calls, including a potential combined approach “grant + equity”, involving CEBF and InvestEU.
We collaborate regularly with two major Telecom expert firms: